Our curriculum pathway is a seamless sequence of rigorous courses, designed to be taught during the school day as a core subject from third through twelfth grade.
Our pathway combines fourteen computer science courses. Each course builds upon the last, contributing towards an overall set of standards-based outcomes in coding and computer science. Students are introduced to computer science fundamentals through the block-based Skylark language in elementary school. Those concepts and techniques spiral through the middle and high school curricula as students progress towards mastery of the professional line-based languages (including Python) and industry technologies (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) necessary to compete for jobs in the coding industry.
Why are Pathways Necessary?
Compete for Coding Jobs.
To compete for jobs in the coding industry requires students to have deep computer science knowledge and coding fluency. TechSmart’s pathway is designed from the ground up to provide not only the skills they need, but the certification and portfolio to prove it.
Equity Is More Than Access.
All students will be able to access a course taught inside the school day, but they will not necessarily have an equitable opportunity to learn and advance. A course must be able to adapt to the learning style and level of individual students. The key lies in teachers’ ability to understand and accommodate their students’ needs, which TechSmart empowers by fully differentiating the curriculum within every course.
Building Computer Science Teaching Capacity.
For a computer science program to thrive, it needs a sustainable teaching force across the K-12 spectrum with the deep subject matter expertise. Knowledgeable teachers are better equipped to deliver high-quality instruction and assist their students. Their job satisfaction is also higher due to increased self-efficacy and confidence.